
петък, 3 юни 2016 г.

NIST Special Publication 800-40 Revision 3

Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies

Executive Summary 

Patch management is the process for identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for products and systems. Patches correct security and functionality problems in software and firmware. From a security perspective, patches are most often of interest because they are mitigating software flaw vulnerabilities; applying patches to eliminate these vulnerabilities significantly reduces the opportunities for exploitation. Patches serve other purposes than just fixing software flaws; they can also add new features to software and firmware, including security capabilities. 

There are several challenges that complicate patch management. Organizations that do not overcome these challenges will be unable to patch systems effectively and efficiently, leading to compromises that were easily preventable. Organizations that can minimize the time they spend dealing with patching can use those resources for addressing other security concerns. Already many organizations have largely operationalized their patch management, making it more of a core IT function than a part of security. However, it is still important for all organizations to carefully consider patch management in the context of security because patch management is so important to achieving and maintaining sound security. 

This publication is designed to assist organizations in understanding the basics of enterprise patch management technologies. It explains the importance of patch management and examines the challenges inherent in performing patch management. The publication also provides an overview of enterprise patch management technologies and briefly discusses metrics for measuring the technologies’ effectiveness and for comparing the relative importance of patches. 

Organizations should implement the following recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their enterprise patch management technologies. 

Organizations should deploy enterprise patch management tools using a phased approach

This approach allows process and user communication issues to be addressed with a small group before deploying the patch application universally. Most organizations deploy patch management tools first to standardized desktop systems and single-platform server farms of similarly configured servers. Once this has been accomplished, organizations should address the more difficult issue of integrating multiplatform environments, nonstandard desktop systems, legacy computers, and computers with unusual configurations. Manual methods may need to be used for operating systems and applications not supported by automated patching tools, as well as some computers with unusual configurations. 

Organizations should reduce the risks associated with enterprise patch management tools through the application of standard security techniques that should be used when deploying any enterprisewide application

Deploying enterprise patch management tools within an enterprise can create additional security risks for an organization; however, a much greater risk is faced by organizations that do not effectively patch their systems. Such tools usually increase security far more than they decrease security, especially when the tools contain built-in security measures to protect against security risks and threats. Risk associated with these tools include patches being altered, credentials being misused, vulnerabilities in the tools being exploited, and entities monitoring tool communications to identify vulnerabilities. Examples of possible countermeasures to these risks include keeping the patching solution components tightly secured and upto-date, encrypting network communications, verifying the integrity of patches before installing them, and testing patches before deployment. 

Organizations should balance their security needs with their needs for usability and availability

For example, installing a patch may “break” other applications; this can best be addressed by testing patches before deployment. Another example is that forcing application restarts, operating system reboots, and other host state changes is disruptive and could cause loss of data or services. Again, organizations need to balance the need to get patches applied with the need to support operations. A final example, particularly important for mobile devices, is the acquisition of updates over low-bandwidth or metered connections; it may be technically or financially infeasible to download large patches over such connections. Organizations should make provisions for ensuring that their enterprise  patching solution works for mobile hosts and other hosts used on low-bandwidth or metered networks.
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